Katakala Dog Shelter has both short-term and long-term aspirations.
Long Term Aspirations - GoFundMe AccountOur long-term aspiration is to own our own land and build a new shelter facility that will allow us to accommodate more rescue dogs in better conditions. If you would like to contribute to this long-term goal, please click on the
GoFundMe link for more information and payment details.
Short Term Aspirations - DonationsTaking care of all the dogs in our shelter not only requires the constant personal attention of our dedicated team members, but we are also only able to maintain a satisfactory level of care for all the dogs with the help of a steady stream of donations. We receive donations from donors from many countries across the world (e.g., Singapore, Russian Federation, USA, UK, Germany, etc.) and setting up regular monthly donations helps provide us with a sense of security, knowing that we will have enough food and veterinary care each month.
All donations, no matter whether one-off or regular, and no matter the amount, provides us with that vital financial security to effectively manage the shelter and ensures the right level of care for all our rescue dogs.
We offer a number of different ways to make it easy for you to make a donation:
PayPal, World Remit, Western Union, and Bank Transfers.